Monday, February 11, 2019

Alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Shutting down Google+ for consumer (personal) accounts on 2 April 2019

In December 2018, we announced our decision to shut down Google+ for consumers in April 2019 due to low usage and the challenges involved in maintaining a successful product that meets consumers’ expectations. We want to thank you for being part of Google+ and would like to provide the next steps, including how to download your photos and other content.
On 2 April, your Google+ account and any Google+ pages that you've created will be shut down and we will begin deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts. Photos and videos from Google+ in your album archive and on your Google+ pages will also be deleted. You can download and save your content. Just make sure that you do this before April. Please note that photos and videos backed up in Google Photos will not be deleted.
The process of deleting content from consumer Google+ accounts, Google+ Pages and the album archive will take a few months, and content may remain throughout this period. For example, users may still see parts of their Google+ account via the Activity log and some consumer Google+ content may remain visible to G Suite users until consumer Google+ has been deleted.
From as early as 4 February, you will no longer be able to create new Google+ profiles, pages, communities or events. See the full FAQs for more details and updates leading up to the shutdown.
If you’re a Google+ Community owner or moderator, you may download and save your data for your Google+ Community. Starting in early March 2019, additional data will be available for download, including author, body and photos for every community post in a public community. Learn more
If you sign in to sites and apps using the Google+ Sign-In button, these buttons will stop working in the coming weeks but, in some cases, may be replaced by a Google Sign-In button. You’ll still be able to sign in with your Google Account wherever you see Google Sign-In buttons. Learn more
If you’ve used Google+ for comments on your own or other sites, this feature will be removed from Blogger by 4 February and from other sites by 7 March. All your Google+ comments on all sites will be deleted starting on 2 April 2019. Learn more
If you’re a G Suite customer, Google+ for your G Suite account should remain active. Contact your G Suite administrator for more details. You can also expect a new look and new features soon. Learn more
If you're a developer using Google+ APIs or Google+ Sign-In, click here to see how this will affect you.
From all of us on the Google+ team, thank you for making Google+ such a special place. We're grateful for the talented group of artists, community builders and thought leaders who made Google+ their home. It would not have been the same without your passion and dedication.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Science and Engineering Research Board

( A statutory body of the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India)

One of the most notable developments in the S&T sector in the XI Plan has been the setting up of the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) through an Act of Parliament, viz. the Science and Engineering Research Board Act, 2008. Promoting basic research in Science and Engineering and to provide financial assistance to persons engaged in such research, academic institutions, research and development laboratories, industrial concerns and other agencies for such research and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto are the primary and distinctive mandate of the Board.
SERB aims to build up best management systems which would match the best global practices in the area of promotion and funding of basic research.


Individual centric competitive mode of funding will be provided under the EMR funding schemes. SERB supports potential scientists for undertaking research in frontier areas of S&T in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences & Mathematical Sciences.

The Science and Engineering Research Board has decided to invite Core Research Grant (EMR – PAC) proposals through “Call for Proposals” twice a year. The proposal submission window for Principal Investigators is open for two months during June-July and second spell starting from November to December in a year. The new structure ensures faster delivery of services with known timelines to the stakeholders.

The Scheme for Funding High Risk - High Reward Research aims at supporting proposals that are conceptually new and risky, and if successful, expected to have a paradigm shifting influence on the S&T. This may be in terms of formulating new hypothesis, or scientific breakthroughs which aid in emergence of new technologies.

The SERB-National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) is aimed to identify motivated young researchers and provide them support for doing research in frontier areas of science and engineering. The fellows will work under a mentor, and it is hoped that this training will provide them a platform to develop as an independent researcher. 
Seminar/ Symposia
The Science and Technology Professional Bodies & Academes of Science and Engineering play an important role in creating cohesiveness amongst scientific community by organising technical meetings, seminars, conferences and workshops. They also bring out scientific journals, technical bulletins, proceedings of networking events and other publications to serve the cause of wider dissemination of scientific research output. Such events help scientific community to keep abreast of the latest developments in their respective scientific / technical areas and also provide a platform to establish connectivity with other individuals and research groups to exchange information not only limited to the event but on a regular basis. 
SERB extends partial financial support, on selective basis, for organising such events (National as well as International). Academic institutions, research laboratories, professional bodies and other non-profit organisations, engaged in promoting scientific research, are eligible for financial support under the scheme. The support is primarily given to encourage participation of young scientists and research professionals in such events along with nominal support for pre-operative expenses like announcements brouchers etc. 
The primary focus of the scheme is to support events having strong orientation towards scientific research in the areas of basic sciences, engineering, technology, agriculture & medicines. Events dealing with social science, management and those purely concerned with policy matters are generally not encouraged but may be considered as an exceptional case if there is a strong interface with mainstream areas of support. The scientific/technical contents of the events, thematic relevance, contextual impact and extent & level of participation are key components for deciding the support worthiness and quantum of support for individual events. 

SERB Woman Excellence Award

This Award is given to young woman scientists below 40, who have received recognition of any one of the national academies of the country. The Scheme offers a research grant of Rs.5 lacs per annum for a period of 3 years.
Early Career Research Award scheme aims to provide quick research support to the young researchers who are in their early career for pursuing exciting and innovative research in frontier areas of science and engineering.
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) is expanding its reach across wider sections of the research community through new initiatives since its inception. It strives for promoting excellence in research together with equity and inclusiveness. A successful step towards facilitating equal participation of weaker secions of society in research and development is the initiation of a special scheme titled Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science (EMEQ).

J C Bose National Fellowship

The fellowship is meant to recognize active scientists and engineers for their outstanding performance and contributions. The fellowships are scientist-specific and very selective.
This Award is given to young woman scientists below 40, who have received recognition of any one of the national academies of the country. The Scheme offers a research grant of Rs.5 lacs per annum for a period of 3 years.
ITS Scheme is designed to provide financial assistance for presenting a research paper or chairing a session or delivering a keynote address in an international scientific event (conference/seminar/symposium/workshop etc.). In addition, support is also provided to young scientists (age limit 35 years as on date of conference) for attending training programmes and short-term schools/workshops/courses. Economy class air-fare by shortest route, airport-tax and visa fees are provided under the scheme. Registration Fee is provided to young scientist in addition to the above support.
Applications for support under International Travel Support (ITS) Scheme can now be submitted online through the portal Researchers will be able to submit the applications within the window of 60-90 days from the start of the scientific event. For e.g, on Oct. 1, 2015, researcher will be able to submit applications for events starting between 30th Nov 2015 and 29th December 2015. The system will not accept early or late submission of applications.
SERB will consider applications received on either modes (offline and online) till Oct. 31, 2015. After Oct. 31, 2015, only online applications will be considered.
In case of any difficulty in submitting the applications online, researchers can contact ITS support cell through click to email / phone: 011 26590458.

Ramanujan Fellowship

The fellowship is meant for brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientific research positions in India, especially those scientists who want to return to India from abroad. The fellowships are scientist-specific and very selective. The Ramanujan Fellows could work in any of the scientific institutions and universities in the country and they would be eligible for receiving regular research grants through the extramural funding schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.
SERB Women Excellence Award
SERB Women Excellence Award is a one-time award given to women scientists below 40 years of age and who have received recognition from any one or more of the following national academies such as Young Scientist Medal, Young Associate etc.

Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)
5 & 5A, Lower Ground Floor,
Vasant Square Mall
Sector-B, Pocket-5,Vasant Kunj
New Delhi - 110 070

Thursday, April 22, 2010

c-program without main function



#define decode(i,m,r,a,n) a##i##r##m

#define imran decode(a,n,i,m,a)

int imran()
printf(" hello imme ");

the above program runs perfectly fine even without a main function.But
how,whats the logic behind it?

Here we are using preprocessor directive #define with arguments.The
'##' operator is called the token pasting or token merging
operator.That is we can merge two or more characters with it.

What is the preprocessor doing here.The macro decode(i,m,r,a,n) is
being expanded as "airm" (The ## operator merges a,i,r & m into
airm).The logic is when you pass (i,m,r,a,n) as argument (tokens).it
merges the 4th,1st,3rd & the 2nd characters

The logic is when you pass (a,n,i,m,a) as argument it merges
4th,1st,3rd, 2nd characters then it becomes main()

Now look at the third line of the program-

#define begin decode(a,n,i,m,a)

Here the preprocessor replaces the macro "imran" with the expansion
decode(a,n,i,m,a).According to the macro definition in the previous
line the argument must de expanded so that the 4th,1st,3rd & the 2nd
characters must be merged.In the argument (a,n,i,m,a) 4th,1st,3rd &
the 2nd characters are 'm','a','i' & 'n'.

So the third line "int imran()" is replaced by "int main()" by the
preprocessor before the program is passed on for the compiler.

That's it...